TBR – September 2016


I just had this sudden surge in my heart in which I absolutely missed posting on my blog. Life has been crazy, amid all the (constant) quarter-life crises, but feeling more manageable as of late. So—hopefully to get me back into the sing of posting again—I thought I’d share my TBR. With a little twist: broken down into categories.

I probably won’t get to all of these, but I’ll do my best!

Current read, but have a long way to go:

Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon


I’m almost halfway through, but this book is a heavy read and requires lots of breaks.

Continuing a series:

Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas


The length is really daunting. But in light of Empire of Storms being released VERY SOON, I think it’s time to catch up. Don’t you?

Library book:

Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell


I’ve renewed this book like three times already. It’s too monstrous for even the YA Book Monster to handle! But, really, it is a little nerve wracking to begin.

I’m going to stop here because—who am I kidding?—I won’t be able to read more than these. I’ve somehow managed to need to read books that are bigger than my head. Wish me luck! What’s on your TBR?

6 thoughts on “TBR – September 2016

  1. Outlander was such a long book. I actually did a buddy read with another blogger and I don’t think I could have gotten through it as fast as I did without her. I like a long read every once in a while, but yes, sometimes you kind of need to take a break. Looks like you’ve chosen some pretty hefty books for September. I hope you enjoy and have a lovely September!


    1. Aww you’re so sweet! Thank you and you too! I buddy read it as well, and my buddy was always ahead of me in the first one, so that motivated me. But now I’m in the lead!


  2. My TBR–1) I’ll Give You The Sun (almost done with this)
    2) The Dream Thieves (50% done)
    3) The Fifth Season (lol only read like 2 chapters)
    4) Rook (have yet to start)
    5) The Winner’s Crime (only read a few chapters)

    Blogging and reading and writing and LIVING is hard. Only bloggers alike will understand. But its okay you know. If you need time off take it. Good luck with your TBR. It is quite lengthy.


  3. Gone with the Wind is AMAZING. I hope you end up giving it a try. Don’t let the first hundred pages fool you. It’s a slow pace to start, and then suddenly you can’t put it down. 🙂

    I’m reading through the Anne of Green Gables series right now…


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